Jan 14, 2020

Jan 14, 2020 Can a Company Force Shareholders to Sell Their Stock The required vote favoring the merger can vary depending on what's stated in the company's articles of incorporation. Some companies require a simple majority, while others require supermajorities Would you sell your vote for one million dollars? Jul 29, 2019 YelloPain's 'My Vote Don't Count' explains U.S. civics

Jun 22, 2020

1 day ago · 1. My vote is a personal endorsement. It says, "I, citizen Ted Rall, approve of Joe Biden's career in public office." I do not. Voting for Biden would be a retroactive endorsement of his vote to invade Iraq, which killed over 1 million innocent people. Voting for Biden

Aug 25, 2008

WHAT: The politically conscious track “My Vote Don’t Count” WHY WE CARE: Songs with an overt social or political message can be tricky to pull off. The production value and performance needs Should You Be Able to Sell Your Vote? | Randall G. Holcombe Oct 19, 2010 Is it Smarter to Sell Your Vote or to Cast it? - Freakonomics Nov 16, 2007 Is it legal to sell your vote? | Yahoo Answers Mar 08, 2009