Mar 24, 2008

GnuPG is probably the best application for cross-platform encryption. However, its usage on Windows PCs may be inconvenient (installation administrator rights; large executable size for perhaps just a one-time file decryption, complicated command-line switches for stronger encryption). Sep 25, 2013 · The GPG website suggests that Gpg4win as an easy way to install GPG on a computer running Microsoft Windows. The installer is easy to use, and requires only a few GnuPG should work just fine without any GnuPG specific registry key. We use the standard locations under Windows and the Registry is just one way to override it. GNUPGHOME is another one. > And BTW: GnuGP and the USERS directory path directive in Apache are > the only two items that I *have* to use a volume letter. Jul 24, 2020 · Gpg4win is an installer for Windows and contains several Free Software components: GnuPG: The core; this is the actual encryption tool. Kleopatra: A certificate manager for OpenPGP and X.509 (S Oct 22, 2005 · On a Windows machine, this is C:\Documents and Settings\[your name]\Application Data\gnupg; on a Unix machine (or a Windows machine with GPG installed under Cygwin), this is a hidden folder called .gnupg which is a subfolder of the home folder of the current user. When your application calls its own special copy of GPG, you should tell GPG to Jan 29, 2017 · Windows binaries are available here – use one of the gnupg-w32cli-1.4.x.exe installers for the simplest deployment options. Note On Windows, it is not necessary to perform a full installation of GnuPG, using the standard installer, on each computer: it is normally sufficient to distribute only the executable, gpg.exe , and a DLL which it GnuPG 1.4 vs GnuPG 2 command line (Windows) I used to use the GnuPG 1.4 exe in scripts etc and found it very easy to use and portable with it not having the dependencies of v2. I've just downloaded 2.2.17 ( Simple installer ) for Windows and had a play with the command line.

How to: Use PGP for Windows | Surveillance Self-Defense

Download the Windows installer from the GnuPG Download page. As of this writing 1.4.2 is the latest version. Run the installer. Add the installation directory to your path so you may just type "gpg" from a command line rather than "C:\Program Files\GnuPG\gpg": Go to Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables GnuPG - User guides

As I understand it, I need something like gpg-agent installed. I'm on Windows 10 Pro 1803, so I'm looking at Gpg4win (recommend by GitHub and others). I installed it via Chocolatey, so I have the complete default installation. However, I can't figure out how to get gpg-agent to start caching my passphrase.

GNU Privacy Guard - Wikipedia