Cell Phone Carriers Didn't Use Tech Fixes To Combat NSA

Cell Phone Carriers Didn't Use Tech Fixes To Combat NSA By Jim Finkle (Reuters) - The world's mobile phone carriers have failed to implement technology fixes available since 2008 that would have thwarted NSA surveillance exposed - CBS News NSA to stop looking at old U.S. phone records The president urged the Senate to pass the USA Freedom Act to reform NSA spying program before it expires May 29, 2015. New Ruling Shows the NSA Can’t Legally Justify Its Phone

Everything you need to know about the NSA’s phone records

What We Don't Know About Spying on Citizens: Scarier Than Jun 06, 2013 Merkel testifies on NSA spying affair | News | DW | 16.02.2017

Jun 06, 2013 · And the "spying" also appears to be limited to just phone calls. No texts, e-mails, social media posts or other modern forms of communication that many people use instead of talking on the phone. Finally, the whole notion that this is a huge invasion of privacy just makes me laugh.

Ending the NSA’s Massive Phone Spying Program Would Be a Mar 05, 2019 Are mobile phone carriers spying on us? Edward Snowden