Jan 20, 2016

Frpc & Frps for OpenWrt. Contribute to kuoruan/openwrt-frp development by creating an account on GitHub. OpenWRT LuCI web interface tour [HD] - YouTube Aug 06, 2012 Build & Customise OpenWrt for Raspberry Pi Jan 12, 2020

LuCI is the web interface server used by OpenWrt. First of all you need internet. Connect the router in the home network (wired LAN) and use the serial port to access OpenWrt console (yes, the hardware serial port).

lan specifies the OpenWrt interface that is served by this DHCP pool 100 is the offset from the network address, in the default configuration this would mean start leasing addresses from Flyspray::OpenWrt/LEDE Project: Tasklist root@OpenWrt:~# iw --debug wlan1 info Interface wlan1 ifindex 9 wdev 0x100000003 addr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ssid Africa_5GHz type managed wiphy 1 channel 124 (5620 MHz), width: 80 MHz, center1: 5610 MHz txpower 20.00 dBm multicast TXQ: qsz-byt qsz-pkt flows drops marks overlmt hashcol tx-bytestx-packets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

My complete OpenWrt Setup Guide - Hagen Paul Pfeifer

May 08, 2020 OpenWrt Forum Ask questions about installing, using, configuring, and troubleshooting already-built OpenWrt firmware and packages on your device. 10504. Hardware Questions and Recommendations. Questions, advice and recommendations about which hardware to buy, performance, hardware-dependent functionality, hacking/modding of the devices etc. OpenWrt: Enabling HTTPS for the LuCI Web Admin Interface Sep 19, 2016