Apr 17, 2019

Porn protest: 'Remember to keep hydrated, face to sit on Dec 12, 2014 UK to bring in age verification for online porn in July - CNN Apr 17, 2019 Australia passes 'revenge porn' legislation | ZDNet Aug 16, 2018

Pornography - CNET

The UK’s disastrous plan to implement a nationwide system blocking web users from viewing pornography unless their age and identities are confirmed by a verification service—an astonishingly Revenge porn will soon be a crime in New York City Nov 16, 2017

Revenge Porn Laws in Europe, U.S. without their consent and with the purpose of causing distress. gov.co.uk The first person to be convicted under the new revenge porn laws, Jason Asagba

UK porn blacklist is dead after government abandons age Oct 16, 2019 BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | When does kinky porn become Apr 29, 2008 Pornography - CNET UK adults could buy 'porn passes' to view adult content online With new age verification laws due to come into effect in the UK later this year, regulators are exploring different options to MP behind UK internet porn filter hacked, accuses blogger